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You work hard – so why are you not working for yourself?

There’s no question that a nine-to-five job has its benefits: regular hours, a comfortable salary, and the satisfaction of knowing you have a steady income. But when you compare that to the freedom and flexibility of being your own boss, it’s hard to deny that self-employment is the way to go. Here are six reasons why becoming an entrepreneur is better than having a job.


1. You are your own boss and make the decisions

When you’re your own boss, you call all the shots. You decide what hours to work, what projects to take on, and how to grow your business. This level of control is a huge plus for many people – it gives them the freedom to be creative and take risks without having to worry about someone else’s opinion.

If you’re not a fan of taking orders, being your own boss is the perfect solution. You can work when and where you want, wear what you want, and take lunch breaks whenever you feel like it.


2. You can set your own hours

One of the best things about being your own boss is that you can set your own hours. If you want to work from nine-to-five, great! But if you’d rather work from noon-to-eight (or in the middle of the night), there’s no one stopping you. Having control over your schedule is a huge advantage, especially for parents or people who want to travel more.

Being your own boss also gives you the flexibility to take time off when you need it. If you have a doctor’s appointment or want to take a last-minute trip, you don’t have to ask anyone for permission – you just take the day off!


3. Work from anywhere you want

One of the best things about being self-employed is that you can work from anywhere you want. If you feel like staying in your pajamas all day, go for it! Or if you’d rather work at a coffee shop, in a co-working space, or even poolside in a different country, that’s no problem either.

The best part is that you can take your work with you wherever you go. So if you’re on a beach in the Caribbean, you can still check your email and respond to clients. Talk about freedom!


4. No need to commute to work every day

One of the worst things about having a typical job is the daily commute. Sitting in traffic for hours on end, only to arrive at your desk exhausted, is not a fun way to start the day. But when you’re your own boss, you could potentially ditch the commute all together!  You can work from anywhere you want, which means you can say goodbye to traffic jams and crowded subway cars.


5. Learn new skills and meet people with similar interests

When you work for yourself, you’re constantly learning new things. You have to figure out how to market your business, how to manage your finances, and how to stay organized. This is a great opportunity to learn new skills and grow as a person.

What’s more, when you’re self-employed you meet lots of interesting people. Since you’re working in a like-minded community of entrepreneurs, you tend to meet others who are passionate about their work and are eager to help.


6. You are in control of your own destiny

The best thing about being your own boss is that you are in control of your own destiny. You decide what your business will be, how it will grow, and where it will go. This level of control is a huge advantage, and it means that you can create the life you want for yourself.

When you’re your own boss, the only limitation is what you believe to be possible. So if you’re thinking about starting your own business, now is the time to do it. The benefits are endless, and the only thing holding you back is yourself.


Final Thoughts

If you’re not happy with your job, or if you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling in your career, it may be time to start thinking about becoming your own boss. Being your own boss is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I know it can be for you too.

There are so many benefits to owning your own business, from setting your own hours to working from anywhere in the world. And if you’re worried about making money? Don’t be. Franchises are a great way to get started as an entrepreneur because they come with a built-in proven system and support network that can help you succeed.

Take the first step to taking control of your destiny by learning more about starting a PaintEZ franchise here.